
The circuits package exports the circom circuits needed for building on ZK Email. All circuits in this package are libraries that can be imported to your circom project.


yarn add @zk-email/circuits

EmailVerifier Circuit

EmailVerifier is the primary circuit exported from @zk-email/circuits which is used for proving the signature of the input email is valid.


Import to your circuit file like below.

include "@zk-email/circuits/email-verifier.circom";
  • Parameters:

    • maxHeadersLength: Maximum length for the email header.

    • maxBodyLength: Maximum length for the email body.

    • n: Number of bits per chunk the RSA key is split into. Recommended to be 121.

    • k: Number of chunks the RSA key is split into. Recommended to be 17.

    • ignoreBodyHashCheck: Set 1 to skip body hash check in case data to prove/extract is only in the headers.

    Note: We use these values for n and k because their product (n * k) needs to be more than 2048 (RSA constraint) and n has to be less than half of 255 to fit in a circom signal.

  • Input Signals:

    • emailHeader[maxHeadersLength]: Email headers that are signed (ones in DKIM-Signature header) as ASCII int[], padded as per SHA-256 block size.

    • emailHeaderLength: Length of the email header including the SHA-256 padding.

    • pubkey[k]: RSA public key split into k chunks of n bits each.

    • signature[k]: RSA signature split into k chunks of n bits each.

    • emailBody[maxBodyLength]: Email body after the precomputed SHA as ASCII int[], padded as per SHA-256 block size.

    • emailBodyLength: Length of the email body including the SHA-256 padding.

    • bodyHashIndex: Index of the body hash bh in the emailHeader.

    • precomputedSHA[32]: Precomputed SHA-256 hash of the email body till the bodyHashIndex.

    Output Signal

    • pubkeyHash: Poseidon hash of the pubkey - Poseidon(n/2)(n/2 chunks of pubkey with k*2 bits per chunk).


This section contains a template library located in the @zk-email/circuits/lib directory. These templates are important for building your main circuit (EmailVerifier).

These templates are used in the EmailVerifier circuit, and can also be used in a wide range of ZK projects, even those not directly related to ZK Email.


RSAVerifier65537: Verifies RSA signatures with exponent 65537.
  • Parameters

    • n: Number of bits per chunk the modulus is split into. Recommended to be 121.

    • k: Number of chunks the modulus is split into. Recommended to be 17.

  • Inputs:

    • message[k]: The message that was signed.

    • signature[k]: The signature to verify.

    • modulus[k]: The modulus of the RSA key (pubkey).


Sha256Bytes: Computes the SHA256 hash of input bytes.
  • Parameters

    • maxByteLength: Maximum length of the input bytes.

  • Inputs:

    • paddedIn[maxByteLength]: Message to hash padded as per the SHA256 specification.

    • paddedInLength: Length of the message in bytes including padding.

  • Output:

    • out[256]: The 256-bit hash of the input message.

Sha256BytesPartial: Computes the SHA256 hash of input bytes with a precomputed state.
  • Parameters

    • maxByteLength: Maximum length of the input bytes.

  • Inputs:

    • paddedIn[maxByteLength]: Message to hash padded as per the SHA256 specification.

    • paddedInLength: Length of the message in bytes including padding.

    • preHash[32]: The precomputed state of the hash.

  • Output:

    • out[256]: The 256-bit hash of the input message.


Base64Decode: Decodes a base64 encoded string into binary data.
  • Inputs:

    • in: The base64 encoded string to decode.

    • N: The expected length of the output binary data.

  • Outputs:

    • out: The decoded binary data.


This section provides an overview of utility circom templates available in the @zk-email/circuits/utils directory. These templates assist in the construction of zk circuits for various applications beyond the core ZK Email functionalities.


AssertZeroPadding: Asserts that the input array is zero-padded from the given `startIndex`.
  • Parameters:

    • maxArrayLen: The maximum number of elements in the input array.

  • Inputs:

    • in: The input array.

    • startIndex: The index from which the array should be zero-padded.

ItemAtIndex: Selects an item at a given index from the input array.
  • Parameters:

    • maxArrayLen: The number of elements in the array.

  • Inputs:

    • in: The input array.

    • index: The index of the element to select.

  • Output:

    • out: The selected element.

CalculateTotal: Calculates the sum of an array.
  • Parameters:

    • n: The number of elements in the array.

  • Inputs:

    • nums: The input array.

  • Output:

    • sum: The sum of the input array.

SelectSubArray: Selects a subarray from an array given a `startIndex` and `length`.
  • Parameters:

    • maxArrayLen: The maximum number of bytes in the input array.

    • maxSubArrayLen: The maximum number of integers in the output array.

  • Inputs:

    • in: The input byte array.

    • startIndex: The start index of the subarray.

    • length: The length of the subarray.

  • Output:

    • out: Array of maxSubArrayLen size, items starting from startIndex, and items after length set to zero.

VarShiftLeft: Shifts input array by `shift` indices to the left.
  • Parameters:

    • maxArrayLen: The maximum length of the input array.

    • maxOutArrayLen: The maximum length of the output array.

  • Inputs:

    • in: The input array.

    • shift: The number of indices to shift the array to the left.

  • Output:

    • out: Shifted subarray.


PackBytes: Packs an array of bytes to numbers that fit in the field.
  • Inputs:

    • in: The input byte array.

    • maxBytes: The maximum number of bytes in the input array.

  • Outputs:

    • out: The output integer array after packing.

PackByteSubArray: Selects a sub-array from the input array and packs it to numbers that fit in the field.
  • Inputs:

    • in: The input byte array.

    • startIndex: The start index of the sub-array.

    • length: The length of the sub-array.

    • maxArrayLen: The maximum number of elements in the input array.

    • maxSubArrayLen: The maximum number of elements in the sub-array.

  • Outputs:

    • out: The output integer array after packing the sub-array.

DigitBytesToInt: Converts a byte array representing digits to an integer.
  • Inputs:

    • in: The input byte array - big-endian digit string of out.

    • n: The number of bytes in the input array.

  • Outputs:

    • out: The output integer after conversion.


Constants: Defines a set of constants used across various circom circuits for standardizing sizes and lengths of different data types.
  • Constants:

    • EMAIL_ADDR_MAX_BYTES(): Returns the maximum byte size for an email, defined as 256.

    • DOMAIN_MAX_BYTES(): Returns the maximum byte size for a domain, defined as 255.

    • MAX_BYTES_IN_FIELD(): Returns the maximum number of bytes that can fit in a field, defined as 31.


log2Ceil: Calculates the ceiling of the base 2 logarithm of a given number.
  • Inputs:

    • a: The input number for which the base 2 logarithm ceiling is to be calculated.

  • Outputs:

    • Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the base 2 logarithm of the input number.


PoseidonLarge: Circuit to calculate Poseidon hash of inputs more than 16.
  • Inputs:

    • in[chunkSize]: The input array of chunkSize elements.

    • bytesPerChunk: Number of bits in each chunk.

    • chunkSize: Number of chunks in input.

  • Outputs:

    • out: Poseidon hash of input where consecutive elements are merged.


SelectRegexReveal: Selects the reveal part of a byte array that matches a regular expression.
  • Inputs:

    • in: The input byte array.

    • startIndex: The index of the start of the reveal part in the input array.

    • maxArrayLen: The maximum length of the input array.

    • maxRevealLen: The maximum length of the reveal part.

  • Outputs:

    • out: The revealed data array that matches the regular expression.

PackRegexReveal: Packs the reveal data from a regex match into an integer array.
  • Inputs:

    • in: The input byte array.

    • startIndex: The index of the start of the reveal part in the input array.

    • maxArrayLen: The maximum length of the input array.

    • maxRevealLen: The maximum length of the reveal part.

  • Outputs:

    • out: The packed integer array after processing the reveal data.


This section contains helper circom templates in @zk-email/circuits/helpers that you can use to build on top of ZK Email.


EmailNullifier: Calculates the email nullifier using Poseidon hash.
  • Parameters:

    • bitPerChunk: The number of bits per chunk the signature is split into.

    • chunkSize: The number of chunks the signature is split into.

  • Inputs:

    • signature[chunkSize]: The signature of the email.

  • Output:

    • out: The email nullifier.

Last updated