The circuits package exports the circom circuits needed for building on ZK Email. All circuits in this package are libraries that can be imported to your circom project.
yarn add @zk-email/circuits
EmailVerifier Circuit
EmailVerifier is the primary circuit exported from @zk-email/circuits which is used for proving the signature of the input email is valid.
Import to your circuit file like below.
include "@zk-email/circuits/email-verifier.circom";
maxHeadersLength: Maximum length for the email header.
maxBodyLength: Maximum length for the email body.
n: Number of bits per chunk the RSA key is split into. Recommended to be 121.
k: Number of chunks the RSA key is split into. Recommended to be 17.
ignoreBodyHashCheck: Set 1 to skip body hash check in case data to prove/extract is only in the headers.
enableHeaderMasking: Set to 1 to enable masking of the email header.
enableBodyMasking: Set to 1 to enable masking of the email body.
removeSoftLineBreaks: Set to 1 to remove soft line breaks from the email body (=\r).
Note: We use these values for n and k because their product (n * k) needs to be more than 2048 (RSA constraint) and n has to be less than half of 255 to fit in a circom signal.
Input Signals:
emailHeader[maxHeadersLength]: Email headers that are signed (ones in DKIM-Signature header) as ASCII int[], padded as per SHA-256 block size.
emailHeaderLength: Length of the email header including the SHA-256 padding.
pubkey[k]: RSA public key split into k chunks of n bits each.
signature[k]: RSA signature split into k chunks of n bits each.
emailBody[maxBodyLength]: Email body after the precomputed SHA as ASCII int[], padded as per SHA-256 block size.
emailBodyLength: Length of the email body including the SHA-256 padding.
bodyHashIndex: Index of the body hash bh in the emailHeader.
precomputedSHA[32]: Precomputed SHA-256 hash of the email body till the bodyHashIndex.
If removeSoftLineBreaks is enabled:
decodedEmailBodyIn[maxBodyLength]: The email body with soft line breaks removed, provided as input for validation.
If enableHeaderMasking is enabled:
headerMask[maxHeadersLength]: A mask array for the email header, where each element is 1 (reveal) or 0 (hide).
If enableBodyMasking is enabled:
bodyMask[maxBodyLength]: A mask array for the email body, where each element is 1 (reveal) or 0 (hide).
Output Signals:
pubkeyHash: Poseidon hash of the pubkey - Poseidon(n/2)(n/2 chunks of pubkey with k*2 bits per chunk).
If removeSoftLineBreaks is enabled:
decodedEmailBodyOut[maxBodyLength]: The decoded email body with soft line breaks removed.
If enableHeaderMasking is enabled:
maskedHeader[maxHeadersLength]: The masked email header after applying the headerMask.
If enableBodyMasking is enabled:
maskedBody[maxBodyLength]: The masked email body after applying the bodyMask.
This section contains a template library located in the @zk-email/circuits/lib directory. These templates are important for building your main circuit (EmailVerifier).
These templates are used in the EmailVerifier circuit, and can also be used in a wide range of ZK projects, even those not directly related to ZK Email.
RSAVerifier65537: Verifies RSA signatures with exponent 65537.
This section provides an overview of utility circom templates available in the @zk-email/circuits/utils directory. These templates assist in the construction of zk circuits for various applications beyond the core ZK Email functionalities.
AssertZeroPadding: Asserts that the input array is zero-padded from the given `startIndex`.