Novel Concepts

You can watch a video that explains these more at our 2024 EthCC talk.

Account Code and Salt

An account code is a random integer in a finite scalar field of BN254 curve. It is a private randomness to derive a CREATE2 salt of the user’s Ethereum address from the email address, i.e., userEtherAddr := CREATE2(hash(userEmailAddr, accountCode)). That CREATE2 salt is called account salt, which is published on-chain. As long as the account code is hidden, no adversary can learn the user's email address from on-chain data.

Invitation Code

An invitation code is a hex string of the account code along with a prefix, contained in any field of the email header to be inherited by its reply, e.g., Subject. By confirming that a user sends an email with the invitation code, the contract can ensure that the account code is available to that user. It ensures the user’s liveness even when a malicious relayer or another user generates the user's account code because it prevents them from withholding the account code. It suggests that the contract must check if the given email sent by the user contains the invitation code before confirming that user’s account for the first time.

Notably, the email-auth message, which represents data in the user's email along with its ZK proof, has a boolean field isCodeExist such that the value is true if the invitation code is in the email. However, the Subject message in the email-auth message masks characters for the invitation code. Consequently, no information beyond the existence of the invitation code is disclosed.

Subject Template

A subject template defines the expected format of the message in the Subject for each application. It allows developers to constrain that message to be in the application-specific format without new ZKP circuits. Our Ether Email Auth package defines a universal circuit that is controlled by these subject templates.

Specifically, the subject template is an array of strings, each of which has some fixed strings without space and the following variable parts:

  • "{string}": a string. Its Solidity type is string.

  • "{uint}": a decimal string of the unsigned integer. Its Solidity type is uint256.

  • "{int}": a decimal string of the signed integer. Its Solidity type is int256.

  • "{decimals}": a decimal string of the decimals. Its Solidity type is uint256. Its decimal size is fixed to 18. E.g., “2.7” ⇒ abi.encode(2.7 * (10**18)).

  • "{ethAddr}": a hex string of the Ethereum address. Its Solidity type is address. Its value MUST satisfy the checksum of the Ethereum address.

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