ZK Email Documentation Hub

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Welcome to the ZK Email Documentation Hub, the central repository for comprehensive documentation on the ZK Email project suite. This hub serves as your one-stop guide to understanding and implementing our email verification solutions powered by zero-knowledge proof technology.

ZK Email Project Repos

We have several repos within the ZK Email ecosystem. Developers can use these to build their own custom email verification circuits.

ZK Email Verifier: Enables specific domain email verification.

Email Wallet:A smart contract wallet controlled by your email.

Email Wallet SDK: Customize email extensions to interact with defi protocols.

ZK Regex: A library to do regex verification in circom

Projects that use ZK Email

There are many real world applications that currently use our sdks. Here's a list of a few notable ones

Quick Start

To get started with Prove.email, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the Project Component: Select the project component you're interested in from our list of SDKs, templates, and examples.

  2. Read the README Guide: Each section comes with a "README" guide. Make sure to read it to understand how the technology works and to get started with the basic setup.

  3. Dive into Specific Documentation: For detailed information and advanced configurations, delve into the specific documentation of the component you've chosen. Check out our How to Set Up Proof of Twitter Example blog post for a step-by-step tutorial showcasing a practical example of how our SDKs can be implemented.

  4. Regularly Check for Updates: Since we frequently make changes to enhance functionality and security, it's crucial to keep your circuits package up-to-date.

Please read our CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our how you can contribute to Prove.email, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


This documentation is licensed under the MIT License

Support and Contact

If you need help or have questions, please join our community chat on Telegram.

Last updated